English-Chinses Prescriptions of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion

English-Chinses Prescriptions of Chinese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Item# 9787810109383
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Weight 2 lbs
ISBN 781010938/9787810109383
Level All
Size 10.4 x 7.8 IN
Pages 571
Language Chinese/English
Publisher Shanghai Univeristy of TCM
Year Published 2006
Author Zong,Chongyang

The prescriptions of acumox (acupuncture and moxibustion) is an important part of the therapeutics of acumox. Whether theprescriptions and techniques of acumox are correct or not is directly related to the therapeutic effect of acumox. To increase the clinic curative effect of acumox, one must try to grasp the essentials of the prescriptions and maniputlative methods of acumox. This book is composed of two major parts: General Introduction and Specific Discussion.

针灸处方是针灸治疗的重要内容,处方配穴和刺灸方法的正确与否,直接关系到针灸治疗的效果。要提高针灸临床疗效,就必须掌握常见病的针灸处方和操作方法。为此,我们查找了大量的文献资料,总结出临床较为实用的针灸处方,结合病症编写出这本《(英汉对照)中国针灸处方》一书,以供针灸临床医生、中医院校学生、外国留学生及广大针灸爱好者参考。   本书分总论和各论两部分。前者重点阐述了针灸处方原则和配穴方法;后者共分八章,按内、外、妇、儿、骨伤、皮肤、眼、耳鼻喉等科叙述了115个常见病症的针灸处方。本书内容全面、实用。其中处方、临床资料、典型病例等大多直接选自各类文献资料,标明了其来源,便于读者互参。

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